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AvoHilmo is an on-line data collection to the national health care service register at THL from primary health care centres. Health portal for medical professionals; Health portal for general public. Correlation between search terms and serologically verified epidemics.
ASTER Alerte et Surveillance en Temps Réel is an epidemiological surveillance system for the early warning of natural or aggressive biological threats. It is specifically tailored for a nomadic data collection and allows using various transmission facilities. SurSaud Surveillance sanitaire des urgences et des décès a ctive since The French syndromic surveillance system implemented by the French institute for public health surveillance Institut de Veille Sanitaire, InVS since consists in a network based on different sources of data available in real time from: These daily collected data can be used for early detection of abnormal health-related events or to quantify the health impact of major events.
A weekly epidemiological situation telephone conference Epidemiologische Lage Konferenz or EpiLag for information exchange among representatives in the Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the RKI, representatives and infectious disease consultants within each of the 16 federal-state governmental public health agencies, and the federal armed forces.
The EpiLag was created as a routine, structured channel to handle event-based information with potential national and regional infectious-disease relevance, rare or special events that are of immediate interest or events that require collaborative discussion and potential action. Interested participants register on the website www. Project serves as a model for future enhanced surveillance at similar mass gathering events.
SIDARTHa was tested in the county of Göppingen in Germany in a pilot application analysing routinely collected data from one ambulance service staffed with emergency physicians in the county, mainly for influenza-like-illness, local acute gastrointestinal outbreak detection and for risk assessment during the volcanic ash cloud covering Europe in The Olympics Syndromic Surveillance System used data from emergency departments of major hospitals including paediatric hospitals in Athens and other major Olympic cities.
Surveillance was conducted for 10 syndromes: The system will collect the following data: Mandatory reportable communicable diseases; Daily mortality data; Daily emergency admission data; Daily hospital admission data; Daily meteorological data; Daily air pollution data; Daily pollen data. The daily morbidity and mortality trends will be analysed. Thresholds for alerts will be defined. The daily environmental data will also be analysed in parallel, and the relationship between daily health outcome and environmental data will be assessed.
Reports of the assessments will be produced and disseminated. Influenza surveillance using computerised sentinel general practices in Ireland was established in Sixty sentinel general practices covering 5. Virological surveillance for influenza involves sending a combined nasal and throat swab, to the NVRL, on at least one patient per week where a clinical diagnosis of ILI is made during the influenza season.
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Weekly reports are produced during the influenza season Weeks 40 to 20 and fortnightly reports are produced during the summer. The GP out of hours syndromic surveillance system is a tele-health system which provides weekly figures on self reported influenza like illness in the community. Monthly reports are produced all year round. The regional departments of Public Health have established at least one sentinel hospital in each health authority area to report data on total hospital admissions, total emergency admissions and total respiratory admissions by age group on a weekly basis.
Currently nine sentinel hospitals including one paediatric hospital participates. The definition of respiratory illness in this instance includes upper respiratory tract infection, lower respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and exacerbations of chronic obstructive airways disease.
This scheme is a collaboration between sentinel hospital data providers, regional departments of public health and the HPSC. The syndromic surveillance system is based on a network of emergency services from which the system collects a minimum set of information weekly. The network currently involves 7 regions, 40 emergency departments.
An integrated epidemiological surveillance and response system was set up for the Olympic Winter Games in Torino between 1 February - 31 March. The system was a cooperation between the regional and national health authorities, and its aims were early detection of any adverse health events particularly clusters of communicable diseases , and prompt and effective response.
The data sources and results are summarized below: Laboratory-based surveillance of invasive diseases. Sentinel surveillance of influenza-like illness. Syndromic surveillance was set up specifically for the Olympic Games. Following the North Africa Crisis, Italy witnessed an increased influx of migrants and established a syndromic surveillance system to monitor the health status of this immigrant population.
A daily notification grid of 13 syndromes was prepared. Thresholds were calculated to detect significant differences between the observed and expected incidence of each syndrome in order to issue statistical alarms to be further investigated. Dissemination of results occurs weekly through a bulletin published online. Syndromic surveillance system of respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, acute hepatitis, fever and other diseases active since July Gaslini", regional reference hospital for adults and children in Liguria, began. Five syndromes have been under investigation by the syndromic surveillance system, namely, influenza-like illness, low respiratory tract infections, not-haemorrhagic gastroenteritis, acute hepatitis, fever with rash maculopapular and vescicular.
The Latium Region Syndromic surveillance system is based on the Emergency Informative System, that, since , has recorded all emergency ward admissions in Lazio from all Emergency departments in the Region. Temporary syndrome surveillance system for European basketball championship.
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The system is based on a web-application that automatically displays the daily updated analysis results via a restricted website to the decision makers in the hospital and to the regional public health authority. GET WELL is a surveillance system that can generate epidemiological trends from anonymous web query logs from a Swedish medical web site. The Public Health Agency of Sweden has developed a syndromic surveillance system for early event detection and situational awareness based on data from the service.
The data consist of daily frequencies of contact causes symptoms , with spatial resolution at the level of zip codes. In addition to national surveillance conducted by the agency, regional and local authorities have online access to daily monitoring of outbreak signals, as well as spatial and temporal statistics.
SAM EMR is a research project running in the border region of Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands in the Euregio Maas-Rhine with the aim to setup and test a cross-border syndromic surveillance system based on routinely collected emergency medical data. Alexandra Ziemann or Thomas Krafft. Surveillance Network Netherlands pilot phase from May 1, The Surveillance Network Netherlands monitors, analyses and reports weekly rates of morbidity and mortality based on symptoms, complaints and diagnoses as registered in electronic medical records of all patients enlisted with the participating general practitioners.
The Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance System EDSSS is a sentinel emergency department surveillance system that monitors daily attendance data from a snetwork of emergency department across England. This daily system provides the ability to monitor GP activity during evening, night and public holidays, thus complementing the in hours GP systems in existence.
General public-health surveillance, Outbreak detection, Measure health impact of extreme weather events all , Measure health impact of natural disasters all , Measure health impact of manmade disasters e.
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In the us had a larger number of prisoners than any other of the I2 Westernized countries which were counted in - prisoners per , inhabitants. All of the other countries, except Finland, had less than per , In this picture had changed dramatically. The us was still the highest, with prisoners per , It was probably caused by changed legislation. Germany showed a relatively stable number of prisoners, a little over or a little under 90 prisoners per , inhabitants between and All other countries showed a smaller or ereater increase.
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Six of the 12 countries had prisoners per , inhabitants, 5 of these 6 countries showed prisoners per , Norway showed an increase from 44 prisoners per , in to 73 per , in But it was hardly caused by a comparable increase in registered crime. They have this to say: After it has altogether been a substantial decrease in registered crime, and we probably must go more than 20 years back to find less crime than we have today. Crime generally is falling, and measured in terms of number of reported crimes per inhabitants it has gone measurably down.
The most important trend to the opposite are sexual crimes, which show an increase. The statistical trends may be caused by various factors- e. But If we permit ourselves to look at the various types of crime together, and on the basis of long term statistical trends, there is at least not an unambiguous relationship between criminal behaviour in society and prison figures: Criminal behavior has largely been stable or gone noticeably down during the later years.
The main exception In Norway is sexual crimes. The stable or downwards trend may be found also in several other countries, notably in the us and Great Britain.
You could perhaps say that a clear positive relationship — the more crime, the more people in prison - would be in accordance with our image of a rule of law. We do not find such a positive relationship, with the exception of sexual crimes. For Norway you cannot disregard that the increase in sexual crimes has had its effect. Neither can you disregard that complicated, modern, boundary transgressing crimes and the influx of prisoners from other countries have been important and have had their effect. The above mentioned report from the Norwegian police points to some of this 5.
We have to assume that the majority of prisoners from abroad have committed crimes which are, relatively speaking, not so serious. At the same time: Crime which is organized according to specific criteria certainly exists, and most probably threaten central values, but is probably to a large extent a growing myth as far as the number of people is concerned in our society. I present a hypothesis that stricter punishments are introduced which produces slower circulation in our prisons and for that reason more prisoners per , at any given time. Are protests in the making? A few stand up and argue, but they are largely kept quiet by suave and refined methods going beyond the scope of this paper 7 , and the consequence is silence.
People ought to be worried, but they are not. Most people are fairly satisfied and go about their own business. It may be said that we are still governed by a Rule of Law in Norway. But when basic principles are beginning to vacillate, and in fact do so to a larger extent in large parts of the Western world, we may, perhaps without knowing it, quietly move into a new way of looking at things which neither was nor is ours. Lid , Stian and Rein Lone Steine.
In Samfunnsspeilet a journal from the Statistical Bureau , n. Silently Silenced, Waterside Press, Towards a Surveillant Society. Professor of sociology of law, University of Oslo. Vous pouvez suggérer à votre établissement et à la bibliothèque que vous avez l'habitude de fréquenter de souscrire un abonnement à OpenEdition Freemium. N'hésitez pas à lui indiquer nos coordonnées: Merci, nous transmettrons rapidement votre demande à votre bibliothèque.
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La transmission de vos données est dans tous les cas volontaire. Il convient de noter que la Fondation ISI Turin , qui coordonne le projet Influenzanet, gère le backend de la plate-forme ainsi que la base de données du serveur 1. En conséquence, ils ont accès aux données du serveur 1 Des chercheurs. Si vous utilisez l'application mobile et donnez votre consentement séparé à cette collecte de données supplémentaire, en plus du questionnaire hebdomadaire, nous transmettrons les données suivantes de votre téléphone à nos serveurs centralisés:.
Seules les données non liées à votre identité seront transmises depuis votre téléphone. Les adresses e-mail et les mots de passe ne sont pas stockés sur le serveur DFKI. L'accès SSH aux serveurs à distance nécessite une clé spéciale. L'accès est uniquement autorisé aux administrateurs du système et aux chercheurs désignés responsables de la plate-forme. L'accès physique est limité au personnel d'infrastructure sélectionné et autorisé. Tous les serveurs DFKI exécutent un système d'exploitation stable récent actuellement une version CentOS Linux avec des mises à jour de sécurité automatiques.
Il n'y a pas d'incitations particulières à participer à ce projet et aucune compensation n'est prévue. Ce projet est financé directement par les groupes de recherche impliqués. Vous pouvez également nous contacter en envoyant un email à aude. Influenzanet is a system to monitor the activity of influenza-like-illness ILI with the aid of volunteers via the internet http: Participating countries and volunteers: InfluenzaNet is a system to monitor the activity of influenza-like-illness ILI with the aid of volunteers via the internet. It has been operational in The Netherlands and Belgium since , Portugal since and Italy since , and the current objective is to implement InfluenzaNet in more European countries.
In contrast with the traditional system of sentinel networks of mainly primary care physicians coordinated by the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme EISS , InfluenzaNet obtains its data directly from the population. This creates a fast and flexible monitoring system whose uniformity allows for direct comparison of ILI rates between countries.
Any resident of a country where InfluenzaNet is implemented can participate by completing an online application form, which contains various medical, geographic and behavioural questions. Participants are reminded weekly to report any symptoms they have experienced since their last visit. The incidence of ILI is determined on the basis of a uniform case definition. Connexion S'inscrire Mot de passe oublié?
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